Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Day Out!

Yesterday, Heath was invited to a birthday party at Peter Pipers Pizza. While he was getting ready to go, the other 5 overheard Kevin tell them where they were going "It's like Chuck E. Cheese" Well of course from there it was all over, they all wanted to go. *Side Note: No, I did not allow them to be "at" the birthday party :) Anyhow I had 2 Wedding Clients and 1 Family Session to prepare for this week so I was not able to go. So I handed Kevin "My Baby" (my Nikon) with a threat to his life, and they all left. This is the part of having to do a self operated business that is not so fun! They had lots of fun, but apparently still prefer The Big Mouse over the other guys!

Heath with Micheal, his friend from school

I actually kind of like this of them!

I guess the older 2 boys were like Yeah No Dad! No photos

Heath's new hair.... I am not thrilled with it, so it's not staying

Broc who already had a weak wrist due to an injury earlier this week, did it in for real this time!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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