Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Boys first time Paintballing!

Some friends of ours son had a paintball birthday party, and the boys got to go! This was their first time so they were very excited!

Dave's First Job

Dave got his first offical, tax paying job :) He is a server at Chili's and he got the job without his dad's help! Nice Job Dave!

Halloween 2012

The Powerpuff Girls, Daddy and I
Team Cooper Halloween Night.. Dave is missing he was at work!


Heath's first MLB game

Some friends of ours had an extra ticket to The Washington Nationals game and Heath with his love for baseball got to go! :) He had a great time!

National Zoo!

We have not been able to do much, since moving here, we have however, been able to visit the National Zoo, that just happens to be free as well! :) we had a great time and as most of you know its hard to get a picture of all 8 of us, so I was thrilled!

Since May?? :)

I am almost positive I have never taken this long between posts! :) but there has been alot going on... in between moving, new jobs, all new schools, schedules so on and so's been too long My goal is NOT to take this long ever again :)


"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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