Monday, July 7, 2008

Grace Outreach Picnic...

The kids and I were able to go to our church picnic last night (Kevin was at work) at a local park... I never realized how secure I feel on base until I go somewhere else. Of all the places I take them alone (unfortunately kevins schedule stinks right now) I normally feel fine, but there were too many people, in a very open area.... and I guess that is the part of me that is from somewhere like Cheyenne.... This whole bigger city thing is something for us to get used to. Even Dave was like "Mom, we need to keep a close eye on them huh?" I told him and Broc they could go do what they needed to do, but deep down was thankful they stayed with me! I try my hardest not to make the boys "do the girls" but sometimes, I am so grateful when they realize the situations and how they may be enough to stay near me. The girls get lots of attention, usually positive, but let's just say that is not always the case, and that scares me, not just for the girls, but all 6 of my kids! What a different world we live in now a days huh! :)
Regardless, We had a good time. The slide with 3 slots all together was a huge hit! Can you tell? and the swings? Oh man... How long can we swing? They loved them! Dave and Broc liked these as well, there were teenage girls watching them push the girls! Ice Cream is always a plus, and then it was time to go pick up dad from work...


"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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