Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Triplet Shadows!

Last night I sat in the chair for alittle bit watching the girls jump, then I noticed they all 3 kept watching themselves in the fence... So I asked them "Girls what are you doing?" We are making "Triplet Shadows Mama!" I started laughing, and said "Yeah I guess you are!" I love how their mind works, they think of things so different then the boys did (for obvious reasons but still) Later they were telling me how they were flying like Peter Pan so they could watch their Shadow fly! Hence their messy hair by the end of these images, but still thought I would share!
"Triplet Shadows!"

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Kids Night!

This was the second night we went, with Kevin this time!

Last night at church we began our Kids Crusade! The stage or alter of the front of the church was all transformed out! Heath and the girls were so excited, and to be honest Dave and Broc even appeared to have a good time! It was really neat to see my kids rocking out... but especially at church! We plan to go again on Wednesday, and they are already talking about it!

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Friday, August 15, 2008

3 Years Ago Today...

While moving 3 of their favorite photos of mine got ruined, so I had to reprint them! Thankfully I scan almost every Image I have taken of them... Anyhow, I just did it yesterday and when I did realized that it was 3 years ago these were taken! August 2005! Look how cute they were! They had just learned how to stand alone and looked like such big girls... this was also the last time I squeezed those hair bands on them, but hello they had light blonde hair and not alot at that, so I had to put something in it :) they were almost 10 months old... How time flies!

Aspen Danelle Cooper

Payton Rayne Cooper

Trinity Jo Cooper

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of School!

Well it's offical, the first day is here! Dave is a Freshman, Broc in 6th (middle school) and Heath is in 3rd grade! They were nervous, but Kevin thinks they did pretty well. He took them this morning because I was getting them ready in between drop offs! :) So here are their ready and leaving out the door images. The girls are so not excited that the boys got to go to school and not them!:( these first couple of days will be interesting for them I am sure!

*Update: The boys had a good day! Heath made 2 friends already, Dave says "it was alright" and that he talked to a couple of kids, and Broc come to find out one of his good friends from last year goes to this school as well! :) He has him in his second class. The boys got to all 8 classes on time all that good stuff... NOW they need all kinds of junk for all these classes! Man.... Do they think I am made of money :) Oh well, that is part of having kids I guess! Thanks for all your prayers!

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Friday, August 8, 2008


Today I was in my office, sitting at the computer, Dave comes in sits down next to me and says "Mom, what are you doing?" (This is code for when will you be done, so I can get on!)
I said "Fixing our Team Cooper Blog, doing a new background, and adding pictures" He looks at me and goes "Uh Huh...." I said "What?"
He said "So bascially, a Blog is the Adult version of My Space??" ............
Um Ok... Is all I could come up with by the time he walked away! :)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I Stand Corrected...

When I posted about Ms. Stephanie (about half way down) I guess I wrote it only takes me 30 minutes to do all 3 girls nails. Yeah... My bad, I meant to say 30 minutes PER GIRL... :) We haven't done our nails in about 2 weeks, so when I did them last night, Kevin got home from work and I told him... He said "oh you said 30 min. to do all 3" I laughed... Because A) what the heck was I thinking and B) I can admit when I am wrong :) They love me to do their nails, BUT waiting for them to dry can be awhole other matter... Aspen (oldest) was the telling the other 2 over and over "The Rule Is Sit Still, and No Moving!" which ok it is... but I hope I say that abit nicer :) Then Dave was messing around with Trinity and accidentally messed her toes up, OH MY WORD.... She was so upset, we had to redo hers! :) Girls are so fun at the same time, they are soooo girly! Would I change that thou? No...

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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