Sunday, August 3, 2008

I Stand Corrected...

When I posted about Ms. Stephanie (about half way down) I guess I wrote it only takes me 30 minutes to do all 3 girls nails. Yeah... My bad, I meant to say 30 minutes PER GIRL... :) We haven't done our nails in about 2 weeks, so when I did them last night, Kevin got home from work and I told him... He said "oh you said 30 min. to do all 3" I laughed... Because A) what the heck was I thinking and B) I can admit when I am wrong :) They love me to do their nails, BUT waiting for them to dry can be awhole other matter... Aspen (oldest) was the telling the other 2 over and over "The Rule Is Sit Still, and No Moving!" which ok it is... but I hope I say that abit nicer :) Then Dave was messing around with Trinity and accidentally messed her toes up, OH MY WORD.... She was so upset, we had to redo hers! :) Girls are so fun at the same time, they are soooo girly! Would I change that thou? No...


Norma said...

Jody, You did an awsome job on the girls sweet toes. Wow I was thinking if Angela had all girls I would be in pedicure heaven. and I believe Aspen and Presley think alike. Presley sit's so still as her nail polish is drying you think she was a statue.. She does not even want to blink or talk.... Oh I can't wait to do her nails next week ( Oh did I mention the hubby and I are going to Colorado for a week AND we will be bring the Triplet's back home with us so Pat and Angela can have so time together!!!! I hope to keep them for a month if Pat let's us.... Oh Gosh! I'm sooooooo excited..........

Jody said...

You are so great Norma! Not only to those babies, but to Ang and Pat :) They are great people under much stress right now, and are probably so grateful for you and Rudy! I love when you get the "W.Triplets" (as we call them) I love the shots you take of them... One day, one day you will have to do all 8 of us! :)

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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