Sunday, October 11, 2009

Broc Gets Baptized...

Broc finally got to be baptized, he has been waiting for quite awhile actually, but to be honest he was waiting on Papa to do it, but we have not been able to schedule a baptism where Papa could do it, so we finally decided to go with our "home" church here. We are so proud of him and the grown decision he choose to make for himself.

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Chris,Cori said...

what can I say you handsome guy. We are so proud of you for giving your life and being so forth coming with it to the Lord. You are a great kid and going to be a great adult and there is nothing in this world more important then knowing where your heart is. We love you so much and can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving. We wish we could have been there to celebrate your special day. One day maybe we will live so much closer to each other!!! HINT!!!:) We love you very much, never forget it, Aunt Cori and Uncle Chris and family

Leslie said...

What a special day for Heath!!! I bet he was so excited! my older two boys were very excited when they turned 8 yrs. so they could be baptized!! I love the picture of the three of you guys!!!! Tell Heath Congrats!!!!!! :)

Leslie said...

WHOOPS!!!! I am soooooo LAME!!! blond moment! I thought I was commenting on Heath's pictures!! Whoops!!!!!! sorry about that DUH!!! Tell Broc Congrats!!! he looks great!! :)

Hanes/Baca~BradyBunch said...

What a wonderful choice you have made. I am so proud of you. God Bless!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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