Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dave's Breakfast Burrito!

Dave likes to be in the kitchen, and for the most part he does a pretty good job. There are things he is still working on, but he can make a mean Breakfast Burrito! I think he has a knack for the kitchen, but culinary arts was an added plus I am sure to his schedule! While we miss living you know where, I am impressed with the classes the High School offers here!


Maggie said...

Awesome!! Josh has been asking me alot lately to 'show him how to make this or that'. lol He's takin' an interest himself in cooking, but Mom has yet to give in to his requests - that child makes a MESS, girl!!! lol

Nelson Family of 7 said...

That is so neat that he can make things like that! I love the drawing that Heath did and I am so so sorry that you all got so sick! I know how not fun that is!!!

Leslie said...

Awesome!!!!! I sure wish my husband liked to be in the kitchen!! that sounds sooo yummy!! I hate having to cook every night!!

Marie said...

It's good he is learning how to cook becuase Zach was taught nothing! To this day he has very few things he can make so I am always stuck with dinner duty! My boys will be learning that is for sure!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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