Monday, September 7, 2009

Big Girl Seats...

Seems how i tend to post everything little we do why not post sales as well right :) The girls have been big enough for along time for these booster seats, but to be honest they are not cheap, and the $30.00 dollar (cheapest we could find) were ugly... mind you times 3! Needless to say when we found these cute, girly, pink seats for only $18.00 a piece, we grabbed them! :)



Leslie said...

Cute Cute!!! my 5 year old's booster seat is just like that but just all gray and I believe it's a graco. I need to get one like his for my almost 3 year old, the one he has now is a car seat but he can go in those smaller ones now.

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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