Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"The Boys are Coming.."

This is what the ladies do in the morning and in the afternoon
send the boys off to school and then wait for their return...

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Leslie said...

AH!!!!! they must really really miss them every day!!!! poor things!! LOL That is so very sweet though and a great memory for them all to have as they get older remembering how their sisters hated them leaving in the mornings and loved it when they got home!! :)

S.Brigman said...

so so sweet!!!!! So wonderful that you captured that!

Lesley said...

oh how cute...I love that they love their brothers....

Chris,Cori said...

They look so big girl in the one picture where you can see their hair pretty's. We just seen them in June and they look like they have grown since then. Guess that happens right! Kids grow up! Love Aunt Cori

Marie said...

Only one more year and they will be in Kindergarten! Can youo believe it! Great pics of them!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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