Wednesday, September 24, 2008

#1 Nana and Papa

I would like to start this post by saying a Huge Thank You to my parents! They did a great job with my kids, and gave Kevin and I the peace of knowing our children were ok the whole time without us! My Kids, Kevin and I are truly blessed that they are Nana and Papa!
They did all kinds of things with my kids. The Mall, Eating Out, the girls first real haircut, Shopping, and more shopping, the park every night with my kids, so on and so forth. I was so excited when I came back and learned all these things. So I asked them "Did you take pictures?" "Nope" they both said! What?? Why not!?
So here are some I took the night before leaving! We went to the park, and all my kids were so excited to go with my parents! The top image of Aspen running, cut out my dad, I am not sure how come, but she is chasing him "papa, I will get you!" The girls were so excited, Nana come on the slide with us! Of course the boys were thrilled my dad will play football and toss a ball around with them! I am so glad my parents are young and energetic!
The dark images of my mom with the girls are suppose to be that way. I want to work on my silhouette work, and when I have time will "work" with these images, but until then I wanted to post them anyhow. If you click on the grid it will enlarge the collage, and you can see them better!

Vegas Trip:$1000.00+, Money Spent Here: Lots! Watching My Parents and My Kids Together: PRICELESS....

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"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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