Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sneak Peek of our 4 year photographs!

Ok, so they won't be 4 until November 16, but I figure it's close enough. I really wanted outside shots of them this time, plus Nana and I just bought them these dresses, combine that with correctly done haircuts and it's a shoot! :) So after church we came home and the "fun" began! I will not show their "official 4 year old images" until then, but thought you might enjoy all the outtakes! They are getting so "big girl" it breaks my heart alittle... today even Ms. Stephanie at church commented that they have just grown up over night! :(


Nelson Family of 7 said...

You say my girls are growing up-yours are getting way too big and they are so adorable! These pictures are really cute! I understand the panick on Christmas-we are in the same position as you! Good luck with the shopping!

S.Brigman said...

ADORABLE! Love the hair pretties -- they look familiar! I think we have some just like them... ha, ha. They do look so "big girl". Mine do too. I guess they can't stay babies forever. Actually, it's more like THANKFULLY, the don't stay babies forever. But, it is bitter sweet. Congrats on making 4! As you know, there were days during our pregnancy were we both wondered if we would ever see this day... We are truly blessed. (BTW, love the new blog background!)

Cheryl Blake said...

Can you believe it's been 4 years...makes me sad in a way.

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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