Monday, September 1, 2008

Dave's Room Finally!

For anyone who knows Kevin and I we do not like to be late in unpacking and setting up our house! This time, we've had no choice in being late... We have both been working so much, and trying to get everything else done. Also we really need both of us here to do the boys rooms! (Dave and I did the girls which is why it was done so fast)
So finally our son got to do his room... As a parent we have to pick our battles right? As long as my son continues to carry his GPA at 3.9 in all Junior/Senior Classes (mind you he's only a Freshman) We let him get away with let's see where to begin A Bronco Room.... ughhhh Kevin and I despise them, but Dave like his Papa, Uncle Virgil and his Aunt Sara He loves them! Now it looks like someone puked Orange and Blue in my house! Then no head board... This was harder for Kevin than me to agree to, because I too in high school slept with no headboard... This drove my parents crazy, but I truly liked it that way, so I allow Dave to as well. Like I said we have to pick our battles, and well these are the two we let him have.
Now, the big, huge, Fat Head of John Elway, His all time favorite Bronco Player, is a gift from his Aunt Cori (his godmother) Dave loves it! This is the main reason I waited for Kevin to be home with me... it was easy but tall to put up on the wall!
So from left to right the images are his walls walking into his room from the door. We did of course have to show our love to his favorite sport Basketball! So that gets a tiny corner! :) As does his baptism, and godparent wall! Other than that, it's pretty self explanatory!

Click on grid to enlarge and see his room close up!

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Chris,Cori said...

David, I love your room! It looks very cool. I love that fat head too!;) I love and miss you. Hopefully one day we can see each other again. Time keeps getting away from us. I am very proud of you. Keep being you.
Love Aunt Cori

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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