Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I know, I know ....Sorry

Well as you can see tonight was ballet night, and I made myself leave my camera at home... but well as par for course with me, I got all excited when they did the new things and grabbed my phone! One day I will do my best to quite blogging ballet! :) The two moves tonight are called ?? something, but they did the stance and then balance~

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Leslie said...

Cute pictures of the girls as always!!!! adorable and I see you got them their new tights!! lol
Cute background. I changed mine have you seen it? it's ok, I like a lot of other easter ones better but for some reason I don't get the whole background picture to come out on my blog, on a lot of them it will just show half of the background, like cutting things off. I don't know why it does that?? makes me mad cause then I can't use the background that I like! :( I was up till past 1am this morning messing with so many backgrounds and they don't seem to fit!! ARGGG :( :(

Ali said...

This is such a different world than mine! I wasn't much of a girly girl growing up and now I have only boys! Cute pics!

Small Town Girl said...

Your girls are so cute I found your blog through Ali. She is so sweet she always has the nicest things to say.. I wish my daughter was still in ballet but she is all about Cheer these days! I will have to check in from time to time and see what you and your family have been up to.Love the page to by the way!!

Jody said...

Thanks Laura, for both commenting and following! :) you are more than welcome to visit anytime!

Maggie said...

Jody, I love ballet pics!! You know, I don't have a little girl, so I come here to get my fix. haha I can't believe you didn't take your camera - and ON PURPOSE. AHHHHH!!! haha Take your camera next time, girl!! =)

Great pics from your phone. They are so cute!!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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