Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kevin's Big Day!

Kevin had a huge day today. He was hand selected by his commander
to attend a breakfast with General Hoffman (a 4 star general).

He was very excited, and proud... as We were of him! I try to not to wear the rank as it is Not I who is in the military, but I am so proud of the job he does in the Air Force!

Now if we could work on those husband skills..:)


Jody said...
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Jody said...

Way to go! And Jody - you can lift your husband up whenever you please... he's not going to brag on himself and if anyone is going to give him a shout out - it should be you! Congrats guys.

Lesley said...

wow..what an honor...congrats to him....

Nelson Family of 7 said...

That is awesome Jody! I am so excited for him and I know how proud of him you guys are!

Chris,Cori said...

Oh Kevin, I didn't forget you!! How could I??? I left the comment of Congrats on Jody's Facebook page!! So I will leave it here too... Congrat Kevin, You look great! See you in about 5 weeks!! Cori and Family

Leslie said...

That is soooo neat Jody!! I bet he was soooo excited!!! I almost married my high school sweet heart who enlisted in the air force right out of high school when we were 18, he made a career out of it and is now a Officer so I know a bit about the air force. That is awesome!!!!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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