Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Old Blankie"

For my baby shower almost 5 years ago, Aunt Cori got the triplets pink blankies, a very specific kind...they loved these blankies from day one, so much in fact that I had her go get me more (I lived overseas) so all together they had 3 blankies each! well all these years later, I found them new ones, almost the exact same kind right? yeahhhh they don't like them! They tell me all the time, I need my blankie, my old one, not the pretty one (new one). Anyhow, this is how they sit and hold them, and I have been meaning to take a picture of it, but keep forgetting. They rub the cool, silky part of the fabric back and forth with their thumb and fore finger, isn't that weird? :)
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Lesley said...

I hear that is a common thing...only wanting one certain well loved blankie...hey I'm 30 and I still have mine...granted it's completely thread bare...but it's still my blankie...lol

Chris,Cori said...

Your Welocome for all the blankies and binkies I sent to you when they were babies!!! I glad they all still love thier Aunt Cori blankies!!! Aunt Cori ROCKS!!! Didn't you know!:)

Nelson Family of 7 said...

I completely understand that! Both girls have a special blanket that if they have to be washed I am in big trouble! Adrianna had one that we ended up cutting in half so when one part had to be washed the other half went to her so she had no clue but the blankets that the girls have you can't do that to! It is so funny how they can get attached to things like that!

Maggie said...

So sweet... such a good idea to capture that memory with a picture!! =)

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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