Thursday, May 28, 2009

Project for Dad (dy)

For Fathers Day I really wanted to get Kevin something he would like. He can be hard to shop for, when I saw this shirt, i said to him "Will you wear that, or even like it?" He was like yes, but i want all 6 kids on there... mind you the example for the shirt had 2 hands on it! ummmm yeah, so I had a bit of a challenge, and while it's not perfect, I think he will like it. Dave's hand as you can see is bigger than the plate so I ran out of blue paint by the time i got to Heath. I may end up getting fabric paint and filling Heath's hand in alittle better but all in all, the kids had fun and even the boys didn't grip like I thought they would about doing it! :)

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Joys of Older Brothers...

Dave painted the girls... so of course we let them paint him back~ Oh the joys of having older brothers! FYI for those of you that are wondering, the girls wanted to be like Papa (who has facial hair) In order of Trinity, Aspen, Payton and Dave!

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Praying Payton...

Today at lunch Payton right away bowed her head to pray.... I think all children are so precious, but especially when they pray....

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Friday, May 22, 2009

For Memorial Day...

Kevin in front of the Air Force Memorial... be sure to visit my photography blog for all the Memorial images!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Last Day Of School!?

You read that right, it is already the last day of school! We are soooo not used to being done only half way through May, but well here it is anyhow :) Dave is officially a Sophomore, Broc a 7th Grader, and Heath a 4th grader..... can you believe it? It breaks my heart actually!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Broc's Field Day....

On normal days Broc has to wear a uniform top which is a very nice color, specific lines, no logo very expensive polo shirts, hence why on weekends Broc loves to wear t-shirts. Anyhow he was so excited that today was field day until he found out they had to wear the uniform PE shirt... that poor kid, he was so aggravated! I made him let me take his picture before he left. :)
I am so shocked at all the money we put out for school uniforms here.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dave and Payton....

My babies..... they are so cute! The girls love my boys, and when the boys are actually here, they do give them a minute or two of their time :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bittersweet Day for Kevin

Yesterday was a Big day for Kevin. He was hand selected to Co-Lead the Security for President Obama. This is actually his second time through out his career that he has been chosen to do such a thing, the first time was for Clinton. (Neither president did we vote for, but he says they are his boss) :) We are very proud of him, the boys were excited! He is sun burned really bad as it hit 95 here yesterday poor guy!
However, he also found out yesterday he did not make Master.(his next rank) He was so bummed! I feel so bad for him, there is nothing I can say to change it he worked hard and barely missed it, which he says makes it worse for him. I tell him there is always next year. I told him regardless of what rank he is, he is the best of the best! He could be like alot of other Airman, and he's not! I am very proud to be his wife, he works hard for his job and is good at it! Our family does suffer from time to time but in the end it will all be worth it! We love you Tsgt. Kevin Cooper and are proud of you!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Splish Splash"

The ladies and I did a session last night to update their headshots....visit to view our session!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Nana's Slippers!"

When we got back, I found my moms slippers in the middle of my girls rug. That night they were very worried Mama, call her she forgot her slippers! So I did.. Nana told me that she left them for the girls, they loved the slippers! Sure enough ever since Nana and Papa went home, the ladies wear her slippers, taking turns nicely, and keep telling me that they love Nana and her slippers! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Girls Auditions...

I was unsure about weather or not to blog about this yet, as I do NOT want to be 'that' mom and then it not turn out, but then I thought I want to take my friends and family whom truly care about all of Team Cooper through this process with us! Because we all know Jody can't keep her mouth shut, so I need to talk somewhere! And this process can potentially affect all of us here at Team Cooper, even if nothing comes of it, we are all going through it at the time!
The ladies have begun to attend auditions, classes, and today are meeting with a talent agent! Now mind you we are not counting the eggs before they hatch, by any means... but for now the girls are having fun, they have enjoyed classes and right now they love auditioning. We will see what happens, if anything and keep you all updated!

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Gifts....

While in DC there was a mug at Starbucks that I wanted, but to be honest I had forgotten that I showed him, so when I opened it this morning I was proud of him! All 6 kids signed it, we have to let it dry and then I am allowed to us it, but to be honest I may not actually use it to drink from, as not to ruin it! The towels the Triplets made me in Sunday School :)

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Happy Mother's Day

This was taken right before we left for church this morning! :) I was asked to mention that I was wearing 3 inch heels, which is dave is only alittle taller, and broc the same size as me :) for real, they are worried about being taller than me!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mothers Day Presents....

As typical with most schools, the boys made Mothers Day Gifts for me at school and brought them home to me on Friday! My kids couldn't wait to show them to me, so they let me have them already! :)
Dave made me this ceramic tile in Art that now sits right on my desk! I really like it :)
Broc told me and I quote "I AM your present!" :) I took this of him because this is what he does while he is awake.... but apparently in his sleep as well!

Heath made me this awesome story book! He drew the Two of us as the front cover, again one of my favorite items he has made me!
The ladies haven't made me anything, but when they realized the boys were giving me gifts they told me I was the Best Mom Ever!
Trinity, Aspen, Payton

Thursday, May 7, 2009

"There's no place like Home"

The ladies telling Nana and Papa bye at the airport, as we arrived... the boys were at school :(

*story about the monkeys: the girls favorite show right now is Zomabafoo, that is what they asked for when we came back....

One of the times I called home, this is what my mom said to us... and she was right! We are blessed and thankful for the alone time and to be "us" but we began missing team cooper so bad... we even laughed at ourselves! We have become "those" parents and decided we are so ok with that :) we are also soooo very grateful to my parents aka Nana and Papa, for caring for our kids... to know they are ok while we are away is so peaceful! Thanks guys!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dear Anonymous.....

Hopefully Mr or Mrs Anonymous... you check this in the next couple of days, as to give my self time to delete this post. how dare you write such an ugly comment on my family blog never the less, and than not even be grown enough to claim your stupid comment! for the record I do NOT favor my kids, however my boys who are all growing have no desire to allow me to take pictures of them especially in public so yes, there are lots of the girls... why because they are 4, and let me, also say because they are a part of this family! However, so are the other 3 children in this family, and I Always do my darnedest to make sure and include them, they are older have lives, go to school and have friends, so no they are not in pics as much as I would like but they will be the first ones to tell you why! from now if you have something to say to me, be grown and email me or better yet you can call me in person, but no not leave comments on my blog!

Happy 9th Birthday Heath! part 2

Heath picked Chuck E. Cheese for his 9th birthday, and a sleepover in the next couple of weeks, due to schedules... I think they all had a great time! He did cake and singing with nana and papa this weekend. So I would say he had a great birthday!

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Happy 9th Birthday Heath!

Nine years ago today I drove myself to the hospital.... I wasn't sure if I was in labor or not and why make Kevin and the boys go for no reason right? After 8 hours of hard labor finally at 9:27 pm Heath Chandler Cooper was born! He is our turning point baby, as we were done after Dave and Broc, but on a trip to Amsterdam, wellllll Heath was conceived! He is at birth and still is such a photogenic child. With those dark chocolate eyes and olive skin he's so handsome!
Pics are 1)Mom and Heath at birth 2)Heath and Daddy, 6 months 3)Heath at 18 months, 4) Heath in 1st grade, 5) Heath and Ryan in germany 2007, and 6) Heath's 3rd grade pic!
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We are home!!

Give me a couple of days and i'll blog so much you guys will be as tired reading about us as my facebook friends are! :)

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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