Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dear Anonymous.....

Hopefully Mr or Mrs Anonymous... you check this in the next couple of days, as to give my self time to delete this post. how dare you write such an ugly comment on my family blog never the less, and than not even be grown enough to claim your stupid comment! for the record I do NOT favor my kids, however my boys who are all growing have no desire to allow me to take pictures of them especially in public so yes, there are lots of the girls... why because they are 4, and let me, also say because they are a part of this family! However, so are the other 3 children in this family, and I Always do my darnedest to make sure and include them, they are older have lives, go to school and have friends, so no they are not in pics as much as I would like but they will be the first ones to tell you why! from now if you have something to say to me, be grown and email me or better yet you can call me in person, but no not leave comments on my blog!


Chris,Cori said...

OOOOH someones in trouble!!! Your are messing with the wrong mom there mr anonymous. Sounds like they got under your skin and for good reason. I hate people who can't leave comments and give their names. Then don't put a comment?? I mean its not hard. Anyway, off to bed.

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Jode-I just have to say by knowing you-you are an awesome mom and you love ALL your kids! What kind of idiot would leave a stupid comment saying otherwise??? I didn't get to read it but know us that know you know that that person is way off base and obviously was just doing it to upset you because they were not adult enough to leave who they are so you could answer back! Big hugs and know that person will get theirs one day and you, my friend, are so blessed and God is going to bless you even more for the way you have taken care of all your babies!!!

Ali said...

Why can't people keep things to themselves? Really. People can be so mean. Sorry.

Leslie said...

What a JACK ASS!!! sorry Jody!! JERK!!! I am curious what did they say and what was it regarding??? That person can just piss off and continue to be ugly and loanly!! how sad to be sooo mean and not have any respect for others in this world. What ever they said don't take it personally if you can. I know exactly what you mean about the oler boys not being around as much since they are at school all day!!! I have the same problem with my 2 older ones! since my younger 2 are home with me they tend to be in more pictures. IT IS NOT FAVORITISM!! most boys don't like there pictures taken as they get older! Your loyal followers, we all know you do NOT favor your girls over your boys!!!! SHAME ON THAT PERSON!! how dare they judge when they do not know you!! Sorry, Jody I am on a tangit! makes me mad!!! ARGGGG Good for you, Love what you told them!!!!! :)

Amber said...

OMG Jody. That's awful. I can't believe anyone would think you favor the girls over the boys. Like you said, the boys are older and don't want their pictures taken all the time, and have outside interests. I know if the girls are anything like Allisen, the moment a camera is spotted, they are ready for their close up!

Ah well, who cares what some person who doesn't know you thinks? Anyone who knows you would never say that.

Maggie said...

Jody, that is SO crazy that someone would leave such a mean comment. I'm so sorry!! You know, my blog tends to focus on Jonah, but only because (just like you said), Josh is older and more self aware and doesn't always allow me to take photos of him. The ones I do get are of him with his hands on his face or hiding his head - and sorry, but I just don't think those make for good posts! haha I totally understand where you are coming from because I am right there with you! Don't you for one second feel bad because of that inconsiderate individual. They obviously don't "follow" you and made an assumption based on a few posts vs. reading your entire blog from beginning to end. If they had, they would have seen that you do post about your boys alot of the times and when you don't, you've even made comments before that you noticed they weren't in some of them and made posts only about them becaues of that. You are one of the sweetest people I know, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that you do not favor your children. Sheez, how ridiculous!!!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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