Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy 9th Birthday Heath!

Nine years ago today I drove myself to the hospital.... I wasn't sure if I was in labor or not and why make Kevin and the boys go for no reason right? After 8 hours of hard labor finally at 9:27 pm Heath Chandler Cooper was born! He is our turning point baby, as we were done after Dave and Broc, but on a trip to Amsterdam, wellllll Heath was conceived! He is at birth and still is such a photogenic child. With those dark chocolate eyes and olive skin he's so handsome!
Pics are 1)Mom and Heath at birth 2)Heath and Daddy, 6 months 3)Heath at 18 months, 4) Heath in 1st grade, 5) Heath and Ryan in germany 2007, and 6) Heath's 3rd grade pic!
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Lesley said...

what a sweet sweet boy...all your babies are sweet though....

Maggie said...

Happy Birthday, Heath!!! =)

Jody, he is an absolute doll - such a beautiful baby face (don't tell him I said that! haha)

I hope he has a fabulous day!!

Ali said...

Happy Birthday Heath!

Chris,Cori said...

Happy 9th Birthday Heath!! We you get here to Aunt Cori's house in Texas in about 30 days I will give you your bday present I promise. Your mommy is going to be hauling some stuff back and fourth that is for sure!! Can't wait to see you and your cousins are very excited as well. We love you and have a great birthday.
The Pearson Family

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Awww-I can't believe that he is getting so big! I still love the picture of him and Ryan-one of my favs!

Leslie said...

Happy birthday!!!!! gotta love MAY!!! (maybe because heath and I share a birthday together in May!:) ) look at what a cutie he was as a little boy!!! he still is very cute!!!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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