Monday, June 22, 2009

Aspen gets hurt... Again!

Aspen got hurt Again! for some reason 90% of the time one of the triplets gets hurt, it's her! We are not sure why, poor thing! She was in her bathing suit, went potty and when she tried to get off she was too wet and feel. She smacked her head right into the counter!

Big brothers (dave) always make it better, he got her an ice cream sandwhich, after i cleaned it out, moved her bangs out of the way and then got her ice!


Maggie said...

Poor baby!! I bet that hurt!!

Chris,Cori said...

Uncle Kiss said he would kiss it and make it all better if he was there! Aunt Cori too but Uncle Kiss I have a feeling would do a better job!

Leslie said...

OUCH!!!! that's a good one!!! poor thing!!! hope it goes away quickly!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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