Monday, June 1, 2009

"Oldest, Youngest, Bottom"

At the store yesterday the manager loved the girls! He was so amazed by them, and was asking tons of questions. One of the things I have not emphasised is their birth order... I feel it's not important, they are all the same. So when the manager asked "who is the oldest" I started to say "They don't know"... When Aspen raised her hand and said "I am!" He said "Who is the youngest?" Trinity said "I am, I am number 6" (the military would be so proud) all of the sudden Payton said "I do not want to be in the bottom..." I said "the what?" The bottom, mom i don't like the bottom... we are not sure how come but for some reason the triplets think the middle is the bottom!


Chris,Cori said...

Oh how cute!!! 5 more days and i will get to see all 6 of my nieces and nephews!!! YOur cousins are waiting your arrival Team Cooper! Can't wait. Fun in the Sun is coming! Love The Pearson's

Lesley said...

oh wayy to cute...I love that age...I think that's neat that you aren't concerned with birth order....

Maggie said...

LOL, that is super cute!!! Poor baby, I wouldn't want to be on the bottom either, MOM!!! haha

Leslie said...

OH that is soooooo cute!!! what a cute story!!! and I love the pictures!!!!!!!!!!! adorable!!!

Nelson Family of 7 said...

They are too cute Jody! I bet you were surprised they knew!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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