Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jody being bossy!

Ohhhh I try to be so nice, and with all my clients, it works so well, but with Team Cooper urggggg they all think they are so funny, and show out for one another! So I handed Chris (Cori's husband) my camera so he would be ready while I set up our entire session. Cori tells me they laughed and laughed in their truck watching us, why? Because they don't listen to me! I have to point and was jumping up and down, mind you this is not only with the kids, but Kevin as well! Thought you all may love the laugh and the outtakes!

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Chris,Cori said...

Oh the memories!!! The laughter too! God that was too funny! We had a great time and it will take some doing to top that visit!
Love Cori

S.Brigman said...

Those are great!

Leslie said...

LOL those are great!!!!!! wonderful memories!!! the more kids the harder it is to get good pictures! atleast for us it is!!! yours look just great!!!!!!!!!!!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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