Monday, July 20, 2009

Broc's Hobby...

This has become Broc's latest hobby. He has earned his own money to buy all the stuff to make very nice cars... So today I finally got him one from his dad and I. After seeing how well he has earned and cared for the cars, we got him one on clearance :) this hobby is not cheap by the way! But I would rather him do this than alot of other things kids his age do!

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S.Brigman said...

I agree - there are a lot WORSE hobbies!!!

Leslie said...

Yes, there are alot worse hobbies and things he could be doing!!!! that is great that he has saved his money for his hobby!!! and so nice of you guys to get him a car!!to go towards his hobby!! :)

Marie said...

Tyler likes to build cars and airplanes too. Of couse you may remember the squadron on airplnes we had flying in our apartment! It's a good hobby and they are so proud when they finish and it's something they have done. Way to go Heath!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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