Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Prayer Request for Kevin Please...

My husband tests for his next rank today. He is testing for Master Sergeant (MSGT) This is his 3rd time testing, and this is the time that he normally makes rank but I will be honest I am nervous for him this time, due to all the people that have been in longer than him and are his same rank.... So we'll see. Either way it's not in our hands, but it would be nice for Kevin to have guidance and reassurance in his answers, I guess to have peace! Just if you get a minute :) Thanks!


Marie said...

I hope he does good! A rank advancement and pay raise are always nice!

Nelson Family of 7 said...

I will be praying fr him Jody! Hope that he makes it! Love Heath and the Valentine story!!!

SD said...

I'll be thinking about you guys... Hopefully, it goes well!

Lesley said...

here's to wishing him lots of luck....I know he'll do great

Ali said...

Sigh, that beret sure brings back memories:) Good luck and sending prayers your way!

Leslie said...

I wish him nothing but happiness and that he does great and that he feels peace and comfort!!! he's in my prayers!!! =)

Maggie said...

So how did his testing go?! I hope it went well. I was pulling for him, Jody!! =)

Chris,Cori said...

Chris and I are praying for him.
Love Us!

Anonymous said...

I've been praying. Do you know how it went yet?

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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