Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Past 2004-2007

I love digging up past photos! Especially of them with Santa. The boys and the girls have all changed so much.... Enjoy!


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I am not sure where the actual good pic is of the 6 of them, but you get the point at least :)


Team Cooper 2007

Santa and Trinity!


Nelson Family of 7 said...

Awww-I love it Jody! They are all so cute and have changed a lot! Adrianna has that same Care Bear blanket. She wanted Care Bear bedding so much and we couldn't find any buy my mother in law found that material at Walmart and made it for me! She still has it to this day!

Leslie said...

Those pictures are soooo cute!! especially the ones where the girls are wrapped up under the tree with bows on them!! and they look like little dolls in the boys's arms!!! I love all of them!!! soooo cute!!! =)

Maggie said...

I love them all, Jody!! My favorite is probably of the 3 girls as babies with Santa hats - OMG that is the sweetest thing!!!

That Santa display is prob the BEST one I have ever seen!! WOW, I would have loved to go there to see Santa as a kid!! I bet they loved it!! =) It's like something right off The Christmas Story - which is my all time favorite Christmas movie (Home Alone and Elf take 2nd and 3rd place! LOL)

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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