Friday, November 14, 2008

To Third Birthday 2006-2007

Oh my gosh.... So many things happened to them this year. They were fully, day and night potty trained by 2 1/2. Which ok, could have been sooner, but the thought of potty training triplets, truly overwhelmed me. Then one day I was done! :) So we just did our thing! They actually did very well after the first couple of days, and we so excited to wear big girl panties. Too bad they still had a Binky! I know, I know but honestly I felt like pick our battles, and they could only have it at the house, for nap time and night time. (I did take them to the dentist to make sure it was ok, and because they talked so well, he was ok with it) Which just justified in our minds letting them keep it.....
Then we pcsed from Germany to New Mexico! My poor girls cried until probably 6 months ago "to go home, no the home we go to on the airplane" Now when they see pics from Germany, or when Ms. Marie adds post that they recognize the area (Cody, or the park) they want to go home! :) This was the only place they had known from birth and we so upset to up and leave all that! Moving twice here didn't help either, but they seem to be adjusting alittle better. They love church, and the nursery at church. They Love Ms. Stephanie (teacher at church) and love their big girl room! As you can see they also love babies, and stuffed animals! We still sleep with all these items! And have now begun "But they need a bath too Mama"


Maggie said...

I love the pictures, Jody!! All of them!! The pigtails are PRECIOUS!! Wow, I can really see how much they've grown through the timeline that you've shared.

2½, huh? Hmmm, that means I have 9 more months with Jonah before he's fully potty trained. We haven't even started with him. I'm sure he will be well over 2½ before we're finished! =S

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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