Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Lunch with Heath

Yesterday, Kevin, The Girls and I got to eat lunch with Heath at school. The boys find reasons to bring the girls to school, so he was excited that they "needed" to go yesterday :) (I think all 3 boys have learned that big girls, think the triplets are pretty neat) Our Girls of course were so excited to go "eat lunch at Heathy's School!" They carried their trays just like Heath, waited in line with him, and then ate where he eats! Very exciting when you are 4!

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Nelson Family of 7 said...

Awww-they looked like they had so much fun! That is neat that they wanted to be with their brother!

Leslie said...

OH too cute!!!!!! I know my 4 year old son get's so excited when I go to my boys school to help with parties. He just makes himself right at home and is just another kid in the class. I bet your girls were just soooo excited!!! I love the pictures!!! =) What a great big brother for being such a good sport!!

Maggie said...

I bet they all had so much fun; school parties are always fun to go to! That is so funny - the girls have become 'chic magnets'!! LOL That is the cutest thing ever. Some boys have puppies to make the girls swoon, your boys have triplet sisters!! =)

Jody, you and your family have a very happy Thanksgiving!! I will be thinking of you guys!!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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