Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our 4th Birthday Party...

Here are some pics from the girls birthday "party" (it was just the 8 of us) at chuckie cheese! They had a good time, and even blushed when we sang to them! :)
They are getting so big girl, which I know I say all the time, but it really does sadden me alittle bit.... They are not thrilled about the mouse himself, but let me take a couple of shots before they insisted he leave! I think the boys had almost as much fun as they did! :)

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Maggie said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE the pictures with them around their cake. They are so sweet!! =)

Looks like a great time!! My boys like going there, too. Such a fun place for kids!

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Awww-it looks like they had a blast! My kids like going there as well! By the way-thanks for the heads up on the bike sale! I will definitely be checking both places out. WE decided we have to wait until next check because the van didn't start today so we have to figure out what that is all about!

Leslie said...

Sooooo cute!! they look like they had so much fun! we were just at Chuck E Chesse last week for my 2 year olds birthday. It is a fun place for kids! your girls looked adorable!! =)

Dee said...

Those are great! That looks like so much fun!!!!!!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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