Tuesday, March 3, 2009


About a week ago Dave went to his annual eye exam. Long story short he is wearing his contacts way too long, all day, everyday. So he needed glasses just for a couple of hours at night and the weekends. I think he looks great in them, but he said "this is why I got contacts mom!" :) So his eyes will be healthy but he can still look good, what a compromise!


Chris,Cori said...

I think you look handsome Dave as always!

Love Aunt Cori

Nelson Family of 7 said...

He doesn't look bad in glasses! I have wanted contacts too but then I just decided why spend the extra money on them when I already got my new glasses!

Stephani Kehborn said...

OH he looks so handsome tell him I like them!

Leslie said...

So I have a story to tell you about all of that!!! have Dave read this or tell him this OK!!: I wore contacts for a very long time like sense I was in 9th grade, in jr. high I wore glasses on occasion. So I wore contacts for ever.... then here about 7 years ago when ever I would put in my contacts after like an hour they would just kill!! my eyes would get all red!! but I tuffed it out and just kept wearing them. Well it got so unberible that I assumed I needed new ones so I went to the eye dr. for my exam well long story short I had a bad bad eye infection due to wearing the contacts as long as I did!!!!! it was soooo bad that the dr. said had I gone much longer I would have lost my sight!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT I thought!!!!!! OH and also at the time I was looking into lasik. Well since I had that bad eye infection he told me to get lasik out of my mind that wasn't going to happen anytime soon or ever since I had that infection. So I had to be put on 3 different eye drops, one to take down the swelling, take out the redness and an antibiotic AND I had to be put on an oral antibiotic!!!!!!!!!! it took 2 years for my eyes to get healty again!!!! NO JOKE!!! I had to wear my glasses every min. of the day!!!!!!! sucked!!!!!!!!!GRRR I hated it!!!!! but when they were healthy again I went and saw a dr. for lasik and was able to get it done about 5 years ago now!! and love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so please tell Dave, to be so careful, just because I wore my contacts soooo long and would not give my eyes a rest it almost cost me my sight!!!!!!!
I think Dave looks great with the glasses on, he looks really inteligent and all grown up. It will all pay off in the end if he will just do what the dr. says!!! TRUST ME!! ha lol
sorry this is so long!!

Maggie said...

OK, after your story, and then Leslie's story, I AM FREAKING OUT!!! I wear my contacts daily and have for the past 5 years. I can't believe that could happen - I had NO clue!!! So what, I should not wear them on the weekends and that will help? I don't get it. Now I'm scared to death - you'll have to let me know what causes that - is it just because of the lack of oxygen to your eyes when you have contacts in? How can I be a contact wearer and NEVER have heard this?! CRAZY!!! Tell Dave he looks SUPER COOL in his new glasses... and apparently, I'll be in the same boat with him needing to get some glasses to give my eyes a rest.

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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