Monday, March 9, 2009


When we lived in Germany cell phones were expensive so only Kevin and Dave had one. When we moved back, Kevin, Dave, Broc and I all got one. We have a great plan with AT&T especially for a family plan and military discount. However due to just the wear and tear of our phones (mine and Kevin's believe it or not were horrible) upon finding out we were due for an upgrade we did just that! However, because we made the decision to get rid of a home phone, and to be bluntly honest, we are so scared living here (We are not in Kansas anymore aka landstuhl post) we got Heath one this time as well..... I know, I know he is only going to be 9, but google violence for ABQ you'll see why he got one! :) But also we feel better with all 3 boys having one. Once the girls realized we all got phones they needed new ones as well! :)

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Leslie said...

Can I just say HOLLY CRAP LOVE THE GIRLS'S PHONES!!!!!!!!!!!!! sooooooooooooooo stinkin cute!!!! and who ever has that sliver slide phone my husband just had that one till we both got new phones in Jan. WE LOVE OURS!!! It's the Samsung Behold, his is black and mine is pink, but just pink on the side, not very noticable. My almost 10 year old has been ASKING and ASKING for a freaking phone!! We however don't feel he needs one right now!
Glad you like my background of the blog!! :) feel free to grab it :), check out the other background's they have they are cute!
Congrats everyone on their new phones!!! Oh Jody have you figured out how yours works yet??? lol

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Too funny! The girls phones are adorable!

Mike and Tycie said...

Sorry for this random comment but I noticed you are a follower of Delightful Dots. I wanted to let you know that there is a new site that is similar in style to DD that I think you might like as well... You should check them out!

Jody said...

Thank You I love this background site! :)

Leslie said...

OH you changed your background again women!!!!!!!! you are as bad as me!!! ha ha! lol I get so sick of seeing my same background every stinkin day!!!! I know other's don't see it every day like I do but mine bugs me when I've seen the same background for a while! I love this one!!!!!!!!! sooooooo adorable and so girly!!!!! and the picture of the kids!!!!! the header!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!! I can see it is a few years old but I LOVE IT!!!! with daddy's picture next to them in it!!!! melts my heart!! I love this background!!!! so here is a dumb question, how do I get my header picture to look like yours with the border on it?? no what I mean? mine is so boring with no boarder, how'd you do it, I have seen other's through blogspot and wonder how they did it. Please let me know!! :)

Also, OK I know this is getting long and I am sure I am taking up all your comment space!! lol but I love the girls's picture on the side bar with their binkies in their mouths!!!!!!!! AHHH so adorable!!!!!!!!!!! but I have no idea which triplets they are??? and where is the third? not cooperating that day??LOL just wondering. I love it!!!!! LOVE IT ALL!!!!! :) :) :)

Marie said...

That is too funny! At least you all have different phones so you know whose is whose. Zach has grabbed mine by mistake many times and doens't know till it rings and he has no idea why. His is always on vibrate.

Maggie said...

I love the girls' phones, Jody, those are so cute!!! I bet they were feeling pretty big w/ those!! And good gosh, that's alot of cell phones. Jeramy's and my birthday are both coming up end of March early April, and that's what we got each other (we got them early since Jeramy said his was dying a quick death - lol). We got the same ones too, except we decided to try the iPhone (well, it's not the Apple one, it's Sprint's version - w/ the touch screen). I had to get a pink one, though I wanted to get a black one. But, Jeramy got black and we figured if we got the same color we might accidently mix them up. We love them, they are SO cool!! Jeramy calls himself a high-tech redneck now. HAHAHA And boy are we, just that!! Took us all afternoon the day we got them to figure out all the bells and whistles. But, now I love it, can check email and text so easily. Has a keyboard and everything (all touch screen). Very cool, and w/ the rebates and the discount we got for buying two phones at the same time, we only ended up paying 30 bucks for each. Wasn't that a great deal?!

BTW, love your new background and the pink camo. Looks great!! =)

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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