Thursday, March 26, 2009

Payton's Perspective....

If you keep up with our blog, you know from a couple of posts down, that I told the girls a story about how they got here. (not literally, they are only 4!) so last night at dinner Payton told Kevin and I that she had a story to share with us.
"One day there was a mama and a daddy with 3 boys, and they wanted a girl, so Jesus sent them to Chuck E. Cheese to buy 3! They were triplets, and they all lived happily ever after.... do you like my story Mama?" yes, we told her....
Later Kevin was like "nice, where did she get that?" I said that must be her perspective...


Marie said...

Well at least you know she was listening and paying attention to you! Chuck E Cheese is tons of fun so why not buy a kids there!

Leslie said...

Too funny!!!!!!!! I guess Chuck E Cheese has so many kids there why not buy them their right?? lol I love her picture!! she looks so sweet and precious!! :)

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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