Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First Ballet Class...

Finallllly We got to start ballet class today. They were so excited, it was so cute! I am biased I am sure but they actually did a really good job. Ms. Priscella, the teacher kept telling them and us how beautiful the girls were. She said "I will never be able to tell them apart" I smiled and told her that they are color coordinated and know not only who they are but who one another is, and will help you :) We go to ballet all year and will even get to have two recitals! (If you are thinking who is more excited me or them, you are correct, I am as excited as they are)

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Aspen White Pretty, Payton Pink, Trinity Blue


Stephani Kehborn said...

Oh wow! They are soooo cute! I am jealous how fun it had to have been to have got the girls dressed up and getting to watch them! They look so happy I am so happy for them! Let me just say again how cute they are!

Marie said...

How exciting! They are adorbable! I can't wait to see more pictures!

Leslie said...

OH Jody! they look so precious and pretty!!!! how fun and exciting for them!!! AHHHHH I need a flipping girl!!! lol you will have to tell me the story on how you got triplets, like was it just a fluke or did you have IVF? etc.. and the fact that after having 3 boys you get 3 girls!!!!!!!! not just one but 3!!! tell me the story if want, if not I understand.
Again they look beautiful!!!! :)

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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