Monday, December 1, 2008

Girls Appointments....

The girls had their Appointments today. Aspen is doing well! She appears to be doing the best of all the ladies. Trinity is doing pretty well herself. She does still need to be seen by the specialist for her heart every 6 months for now, and then we'll go from there, and is set to be scheduled in the next couple of weeks to be seen and get all her testing done to make sure she and her piece are working well together. For now, she is doing really good!
Payton on the other hand..... Well she is Payton after all! She likes to keep us all our on toes, and make sure she is herself! (While I am joking it off, she really does worry me) She is not doing so hot. She is growing fine and as always all 3 girls vitals are the same (this still shocks us, and they are 4, it's so cool to see) but we think her heart is working hard, possibly really hard. So she is set to see the specialist as soon as possible. They want to stay on top of her, and see how her piece is working. I am worried, but am reminding myself not to over react until We see the specialist and see what she says... I wonder if maybe she should get another piece again would this be better for her?
We also found out that because they are identical and were born so early, that they are being tested for both their eyes and their ears, although none of Kevin, The Doctor or I are concerned, he just thinks they should be tested.
I will be sure to keep you all updated as we know any information. Thank you for keeping her and us in your prayers, we truly do appreciate it!

I took this Sunday before they left for church and me to work, they were practicing their curtsy!

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Leslie said...

Sweet pictures!! WOW what a day! I will keep the girls in my prayers!! keep us updated!! I am sure you have nothing to worry about! (easier said then done right) Try not to worry!! The lord will be blessing you and your family!

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Jody-the pictures are so cute! I am praying for all of you and especially Peyton. I hope that all will be ok and that she doesn't have to have the surgery again! Glad that the other two did well! I was looking for your update all day yesterday before I went to bed and was disappointed when I didn't see anything. I posted about Kiersten's appointment on my blog! Big hugs and let us know when you can on her next apppointment!

Maggie said...

Oh how I've missed talking to you, Jody!! =) Love the pictures, and your blog re-design for the holidays!!

I'm so sorry to hear about Payton! I hope that all goes well when she sees the specialist!! It's a good sign their vitals are all the same, though, right? I would worry too, sometimes you just can't help it. I completely understand. Hang in there and I'll keep little Payton in my prayers!!! God is good; he will take care of your family!! =)

Norma said...

Hello my Bloggy Sista!

Jody come on now, You know GOD is making you go thru another Trial, He love testing us to see how much we trust in him. Smile my sista it's all going to work out.Let go and let GOD and Leave it in GOD's hands and let him work his wonderful miracles of healing. Be patient and trust in Gods wonderful powers.
I will advise our church prayer teams about your girls. Hang in there sista and be patient....

Hanes/Baca~BradyBunch said...

They are in my prayers -

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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