Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy 12th Birthday Broc Dylan.....

Today is Broc's 12th Birthday! He is offically a "Tween"! Of course he is so big that everyone already assumed he was, but thought I would share some shots of him from birth.

Broc Dylan was the only of our "planned" children and the only one whom somewhat looks like his Mom! He is our only blue eyed, blonde baby, and the chubbiest of them all! Broc was a very easy pregnancy up till the last week. He was born in Bitburg, Germany, those doctors and nurses loved him! He had a hard birth, Breech (naturally) with the cord wrapped around his neck, which means we had a nice scare! Broc is the only one of our kids that was born with just Kevin and I there, which means Just Me! (Poor Kevin, that man does not do birth well) While they were waiting on his doctor to come, Broc decided he was done and the ER Doctor and Nurse are who actually delivered him! He was allergic to milk and made for a long first couple of months, but we got it after awhile. :) (Milk is now his favorite drink)

Here is Broc at 3! (Dave was 6) We had just moved to Cheyenne, Wy. He had a hard adjustment which means "Ernie" (a german made sesame street blanket x2) went everywhere with us!

Broc at 7! (Dave was 9, Heath 3) Oh he is soooo Broc! He was such a ham!

Guess who Broc got to meet for his 10th Birthday?? John Cena! Broc loves wrestling and was so excited to meet all of them! They had come over to meet the troops, but with the hospital (triplets will do that for you) :) called and told Kevin! I was in NY with my mom and sister, but I guess Team Cooper had all the attention of the WWE Wreslters!

Broc, Heath, and Bobby Lashley

Broc in 6th grade which is Middle School, and so grown up!


Nelson Family of 7 said...

Wow-12 years old! That is awesome! Hope that he has a great day! And what fun-with all that snow! We hope that Michigan gets more snow after we get there so the kids can play in it!

Leslie said...

My boys are drolling over the wrestlers!!!!!!! lol

Chris,Cori said...

Tell Broc Happy B-Day from us. His Birthday Present is in the box of Christmas presents coming your way as always. Hope you had a wonderful birthday Broc. Love The Pearson Family

Ali said...

Happy 12th Birthday! Kind of hard to top that 10th one, huh?!

"Its so easy to compare ourselves and our families to some fictional expectation. Its much harder to listen to God's urgings and be content with how He wants us to be." Carla~
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